Particle Flux Technician

Investigating sinking particles at sea and in the laboratory to measure their impact on ocean biological carbon cycling: it’s biochemistry and its zooplankton

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  • BSc Oceanography or similar
  • Be able to work at sea for weeks at a time on a variety of sensors and equipment
  • Be able to adapt standard laboratory methods to your own unique samples whilst maintaining both their and the time series integrity

The main role of this post is sediment trap deployment planning, preparation, sample processing and dataset publication. Additionally, I support various biogeochemical sensors at sea, programming, downloading, calibrating, dataset submission and publication.

I manage the particle flux laboratory, technicians and students who work within it; their health and safety, methods and samples. 

At NOC open days, I introduce and present meso zooplankton using posters and microscopes. The stand is popular with both children and adults.

I facilitate the PAP-SO website, cruise blogs and twitter, and ensure there is a mix of news and science for a wide audience.

For more information about this role, visit:

University of Southampton: 

MSc Oceanography Oceanography Master’s Degree | MSc | University of Southampton

MSc Marine Environment and Resources Marine Environment & Resources | MSc | University of Southampton

MRes Ocean Science Ocean Science | MRes | University of Southampton

University of Plymouth: Schools of Biological and Marine Sciences: Marine science – University of Plymouth

  • BSc (Hons) Ocean Exploration and Surveying
  • BSc (Hons) Ocean Science and Marine Conservation
  • BSc (Hons) Oceanography and Coastal Processes
  • BSc (Hons) Ocean Sciences with Foundation Year

Look for BSc courses in Marine and Freshwater Biology


The National Oceanography Centre is one of the world’s top oceanographic institutions.  We undertake world leading research in large scale oceanography and ocean measurement technology. Our goal is to undertake internationally excellent research and technology development to advance the frontiers of knowledge about the ocean.  We also manage several national marine facilities, including the National Marine Equipment Pool (Europe’s largest fleet of autonomous and robotic vehicles), and two state of the art research ships RRS Discovery and RRS James Cook.

Particle Flux Technician

The main role of this post is sediment trap deployment planning, preparation, sample processing and dataset publication. Additionally, I support...

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