
Shipbuilding is the construction of ships and other floating vessels. It normally takes place in a specialized facility known as a shipyard. Shipbuilders, (also called shipwrights), follow a specialized occupation that traces its roots to before recorded history.

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Apprentice Shipwright

The purpose of the apprentice boatbuilder role is to develop skills in all areas of boatbuilding including vessel construction, electrical...

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Principal Naval Architect

A Naval Architect is to boats and ships what a normal Architect is to houses and buildings.  They are responsible...

ArtComputer ScienceITMathematicsScienceTechnology
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The purpose of a Shipwright working is to maintain, repair and restore the historic ships mostly working on the wooden...

HistoryTechnologyTravel and Tourism
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The purpose of a rigger on historic ships is to maintain their masts, yards and rigging, so they are safe,...

HistoryPhysical EducationTravel and Tourism
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ApprenticeshipBoatbuildingCrew StaffEnglishGeographyMarineModern Foreign LanguagesOutdoorsPhysical EducationShipwrightTechnologyTravel & Tourism
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